First Lady Melva Moore is a native of Norfolk, Virginia. She is the daughter of the late Melvin and Virginia Hart.  She is married to Ralph Quincy Moore, Pastor of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church. To their union of more than thirty years, they have four children Erika, Nicole, Darius and Angel and they also celebrate three grandchildren, Harmoni, Corban and Israel.

At age six she was baptized by the late Rev. Dennis Haughton at Bethlehem Baptist Church.  It wasn't until one night at a revival where she actually professed her faith in God and knew what loving God was all about.  While at Bethlehem, she served with the Young Ushers, the Youth Choir, the L.P. Watson Gospel Choir, the Deaconess Ministry, the Maggie Walker Missionary Circle and the Church School.  As she grew in grace and knowledge of God, she started teaching the Teen Sunday School Class.  She is the Leader of the Women's Ministry and one of her passions is the "Women's One Hour of Power", where she loves having a conversation with the ladies. 

During her formative years she graduated from Granby High School in Norfolk.  She currently attends Old Dominion University where she is will receive a Bachelor's of Science degree in Psychology.  Melva is also a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success organization at ODU. 

Melva has only been the First Lady of Bethlehem since May, 2009 when her husband accepted the call to become the pastor of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church.  They have faithfully served for almost fourteen years and as a result, the church has grown tremendously.  She is honored and proud to become the First Lady of her home church.  She has just recently accepted her call into the ministry as one of God’s Evangelist, who will go out and proclaim the mighty Word of God to whosoever will listen.

First Lady Melva is a strong example of a virtuous woman (Proverbs 31: 10~31). God has uniquely equipped her with tremendous gifts of service, care and hospitality. She is very much supportive of her husband, and the essential help she provides motivates him to serve Christ and pastor His people.  She works alongside Pastor Moore and is in constant prayer for his guidance from the Holy Spirit. Her steadfast faith in God enables her to cope with all of the unexpected things that come into her life and to accept the interruptions as opportunities to serve. She cares deeply about the hurts of others. Her greatest desire is that the people of God would be able to make an incredible impact in the building of God's Kingdom.

Her favorite scripture is from Colossians 3:23, "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." (NLT).  She concludes that ultimately only what you do for CHRIST WILL LAST.

​The Church that seeks to serve ​the whole community​​